More about me

I'm a computer engineer with a passion:

Watching my code become alive!

I love to program game logic, having done a few projects with WebGL, Three.js and Unity. I create music as well and have a bandcamp account in case you would like to listen to a tiny bit of my VGM work.

Finally, I also like to work with Inkscape, Photoshop and Blender, doing some small graphic design works as well as UI's.

Languages, by experience

Javascript, C#, Java, C, Python, C++, GLSL, PHP, Pascal, LabView.

Databases & Frameworks

MySQL, MongoDB, OracleDB, Xamarin, Android Studio and some Qt.

Forms of Contact

You may send me an e-mail:

Or message me on facebook: Diogo Slepetys

I don't bite!

Some of my work

Click the pictures for more!